Ten Square Miles of Criminal Enterprise

By: Devvydevvy
February 23, 2009

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Events over the past five months since the carefully orchestrated storm was set for bank “bail outs” should make it clear to any American not walking around in a self-imposed coma that we have crossed the Rubicon. As I have written for many years: Non essential businesses will continue to go under as Americans only have enough disposable income for absolute necessities like shelter, food and transportation to their jobs or the unemployment office. This massive give away by Congress since last September is simply sealing our fate.

Americans are frightened, confused. Already we’ve seen several tragedies where fathers have killed their entire families and themselves because he’s lost his job and the bills were piling up. We will see more and worse. We the people are now being held hostage with a gun to our head to aid and assist in the final destruction of our constitutional republic. We are being held hostage with the gun of government to our heads to fund the final destruction of capitalism, freedom and liberty. READ MORE…