How to Homeschool Your Children

homeschoolingworksSource: wikiHow

Homeschooling is a wonderful way to stay close to your children while helping them become well-rounded adults. It offers you the opportunity to tailor your children’s education to suit your children, your lifestyle, and your beliefs. Schooling at home also gives you a safe ‘home base’ for your children while they explore the people and places around them. With the ability to individualize your child’s education, you can truly foster a life long love of learning. Continue reading

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America – Free e-Book

postitBy Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America – E Book download is NOW FREE TO ALL!!! This is a Barnes and Noble #1 Bestseller in its History of Education category.




Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Source: The Power Hour

Speaking from personal experience JIM PURCEY tells you why you do NOT need a drivers license, a marriage license, how a “promissory note” can work in your favor…and many more items the greedsters do not want you to know.