German Troops and Martial Law USA


The following newsbrief is important for America to understand the role of the FOREIGN/UN troops in AMERICA UNDER MARTIAL LAW, including GERMAN. It was made while living 6 months in Germany to explore the role of GERMANY in coming MARTIAL LAW in America, while investigating in 2001. The following information remains important, because this remains their NWO strategy to this day.

Pam Schuffert, radio journalist, reporting from Germany

I have been researching in Germany for 5 months now, and everything indicates rapid training of our troops to work side by side with cooperating foreign troops for the coming conquest of AMERICA UNDER MARTIAL LAW. As I read the European edition of STARS AND STRIPES almost daily, numerous military publications plus European news journals and newspapers, and interviewing actual military here, I am coming to realize the extent that THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED AND BETRAYED INTO THE HANDS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER BY HER VERY OWN GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY!

One military publication shared about a major operation involving three branches of the US military in which they were learning to work intensely together IN A CONTINGENCY EXERCISE. CONTINGENCY means MARTIAL LAW. Here in Europe, Americans are being rapidly trained through the Balkan crisis to work side by side with Russians, Germans and other foreign troops ALL UNDER THE UN BLUE AND NATO. READ MORE…

Get Your Homeland Security College Degree!

Click to enlarge

By Barbara H. Peterson

Here it is folks, the next generation of paid psychopaths! This college is even offering a free laptop computer with enrollment into its Homeland Security Associate’s Degree program.

So by all means, let’s take the bribe and just run on down there and enroll. After all, why not work for the government since these will be the only jobs available if the government mob gets its way.

The rest of us will be “taken care of” by whoever sells his/her soul to the corporate takeover of America and decides to opt into the lie and become an enforcer with this timely degree.

Here is a LINK to the site.

Mass Evacuation Bus – Must See!

This was seen driving down the road. An EMS mass evacuation bus. I’ve never seen anything like this. Have you? Thanks to Marc Hardy for sharing this!

Historical Development of Modern Feudalism

The TRUTH about your status as a slave in America


Since 1933 you and all other Americans have been pledged for the debt
of the UNITED STATES owed to international bankers, most of whom are
foreign to our country. Your credit, labor, productivity and
property have been used and is now being used as collateral by the
incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA without your knowledge or
consent. This is legal until you take back your implied consent by a
special, lawful process.

In fact, you are unknowingly volunteering to be chattel for a
mortgage held by financiers from the founding of this nation.
Perhaps you infer that the name on the tax statement is yours and so
you respond as though it were. This is voluntary servitude. To make
this servitude legal it was necessary to “cut a hole in the fence.”
No matter that the escape route is hidden, obscured by legal brambles
to make escape difficult. That it is not used presumes consent. It
is not impossible, just seemingly difficult and even implausible.

Your status as a subject is based upon a presumption that if you did
not wish to be so encumbered you would use the law to do something
about it. As long as you do not use the escape route provided by law
it is presumed that you are content to “remain in the pasture and be
milked and used as chattel.” This word has the same root as the
word, “cattle.” Do you get the picture?  Continue reading

Geneva Conventions Redefined – Part 3: UCMJ and the separation between military and civilian affairs

By Lt. Eric N. Shine, USNR – USMMRR/ USMMA KP

As we saw in Part 2, the Coast Guard is acting as an extra-Constitutional Branch of Military, which is under Title 10, yet can somehow impose itself upon, police, regulate, even decide civilian affairs and by this, make civilian laws.

Only Branches of the Military, as in the Army as covered under Article I and its branch in the Air Force as was previously the Army Air Corps, and the Navy as covered under Article II and its branch in the form of the Marine Corps, were to come under military law as in Title 10.  Continue reading

Geneva Conventions Redefined – Part 2: Militarization of the Coast Guard

GALVESTON, Texas - Members from Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Team Galveston conducted on-water Level II tactical coxswain training in the Galveston Channel, April 8, 2010. The drill was conducted in preparation for the units upcoming deployment in support of Joint Task Force Guantanamo and the U.S. Southern Command. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Renee C. Aiello.

By Lt. Eric N. Shine, USNR – USMMRR/ USMMA KP

As explained in Part 1 of this series, the Coast Guard, Navy, Army, Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chair of the Joint Chiefs, the civilian Secretaries of the Department of Defense, Secretary of the Navy and others including President Bush and President Obama have constructed an end run around the Constitution.

This has been carried out through use of the U.S. Coast Guard in its movement from the Department of Transportation, not to the Department of Defense, but into the newly formed, but long planned Department of Homeland Security in 2003. Doing so as if it had just come from the Department of Defense somehow. A convoluted series of legal, political, and even extra-judicial machinations have taken place over a long period of time to bring about this troubling extra-legal and unlawful coup d’état by the military-industrial complex to subjugate civilian populations to its military authority. Continue reading

Geneva Conventions Redefined – Part 1: The New U.S Department of War


Most people are unaware of a larger picture developing over the course of the past seven or eight decades, or somehow they are willingly choosing to ignore it. This still-developing image portrays matters requiring a greater knowledge of world history, a higher degree of self-education and a more global perspective to recognize and decipher.

Probably the most remarkable change occurring and still underway is a complete militarization of everything in the United States, if not around the world. The most disturbing sign of this breach of civilian commons today by the military, comes in the form of or the creation, or should I say recreation, as it had once been known up and until 1946, of a new or at least reinvigorated Department of War, which is no longer a “Department of Defense,” to ward off foreign invasion.  Continue reading

Who is Lt. Eric Shine, and why should we care?

Source: Martial Law 911

Lt. Eric Shine is a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point and is an expert in the history of the United States Merchant Marine, as well as issues relating to shipping and national security.

In his role as a whistle blower, Lt. Shine has taken his oath of office seriously, and has held himself to his academy motto Acto Non Verba or “Deeds Not Words” and taken it to new heights. Lt. Shine has been the subject on hundreds of articles and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs nationwide including shows on Air America, Voice of America, and Pacifica Radio.