FBI Targets Barbie Video Girl as Tool for Predators

By Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

Here is just another example of government gone bad:

‘Barbie Video Girl’ in FBI Crosshairs

A Barbie doll tricked out with a video camera concealed in her necklace could be used by predators to create child pornography, warns the FBI in a recent cybercrime alert. In the alert, mistakenly released to the press, the FBI expressed concern that the toy’s camera, which can capture 30 minutes of video and rivals a Canon 7D in quality, could be used to lure children and surreptitiously film child pornography. Barbie and other dolls have been used in the past by sexual predators to attract victims. (Media Monarchy)

What next? Maybe we should just outlaw all cameras, telephones, Barbie Dolls and anything else that people use. After all, anything could be used to “lure children.” Candy should definitely be outlawed and put on a potential cyber crime list of controlled items. Is anyone else getting sick to death of children being used in this manner to strip us of our rights?

FBI Special Agent Steve Dupre from the Sacremento Field Office, where the memo — dubbed a “Cyber Crime Alert” — originated, declined to comment.

Mattel, the manufacturer of the doll, said in a written statement that the FBI has not said that there have been any incidents of this doll “being used as anything other than intended.”

…But law enforcement sources close to the investigation into the doll tell ABC News that Barbie dolls have been known to be a used by sexual predators looking for ways to attract their young victims…. (ABC)

So beware, if you have a Barbie Doll, or candy, or ice cream, or anything else that might be used to “lure children,” you are next on the FBI list of suspects!  But the biggest culprit of all is not the Barbie Doll, it is the FBI! Yes, the FBI is on my list of child predators because they routinely exploit children in an ongoing insidious campaign designed to get people to comply with outrageous demands stemming from propaganda and fabricated “threats against children” to elicit our protective natures and use these natural instincts against us in a virulent manner, while tightening the control web of this police state we are living in.

Barbara H. Peterson