How the US Government Created the ‘Drug Problem’ in the USA

by Michael E. Kreca

Source: Lew Rockwell

“The bottom line on this whole business has not yet been written.”

(Dr. Sidney Gottlieb CIA Technical Services Staff director for the MK-ULTRA program)

Eighteenth-century German philosopher Georg Friedrich Hegel long ago developed, among other things, what he called the principle of “thesis, antithesis, synthesis” to explain the process of deliberately enacted social disorder and change as a road to power. To achieve a desired result, one deliberately creates a situation (“thesis”), devises a “solution,” to solve the “problems” created by that situation (“antithesis”), with the final result being the ultimate goal of more power and control (“synthesis”). It is unsurprising Karl Marx and his disciples like Lenin and Trotsky, as well as the US government in its so-called War On Drugs, made this process a keystone of their drive for total control of all individual actions that, in their views, were not, in Mussolini’s terms, “inside the state” and thus controllable by the same. Continue reading

Education Indoctrination

How the education system indoctrinates our children to become mindless slaves.

Understanding Controlled Opposition and Social Counterbalances

By Russ Tanner

Source: Orbis Vitae

Having worked in the political arena for a few years, we learned the tactics and methods used to control and deceive people. In fact, I learned so much that I could write a short book on the subject, but I’ll keep it short.

Before I begin, I want to insert a disclaimer. I am not picking on conservatives in this article. I would be best categorized as one myself. The goal of this article is to expose some mainstream figureheads who are not who you think they are. The education and information applies equally to conservatives, moderates, liberals, libertarians, and constitutionalists.

All of us, regardless of our political preferences, are being lied to.  Continue reading

Free-Range Serfdom for Human Livestock

“A serf is the most productive when he imagines he is free.”

Bread and Circuses – The Art of Corporate Mind Control

Source: Information Clearing House

Television is the most powerful weapon of psychological warfare in history and yet it is a member of the family in most households. The programming that we are constantly assaulted with conditions us to a particular worldview. This fake reality changes our behavior making us less active and more compliant with society’s shortcomings.

Since television is controlled by a small handful of powerful corporations, viewers will never witness informing, truthful news and entertainment. As political and corporate power unite at an ever increasing rate, being informed is more important than ever.

People need to seek out independent and alternative unbiased sources on the internet for their information or we will continue to be manipulated by the corporate controlled media.

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Chicken Little – 1943 – The Sky is Falling!

Want the NWO agenda in a nutshell? Watch this!

If ya tell a lie, don’t tell a little one, tell a BIG one.” (Foxy Loxy)

Marijuana – Reefer Madness or Cure-all?


By Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

December 20, 2009

Controversy surrounding the use of marijuana, whether it is for recreational or medical purposes, is heating up.

The first state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes, California leads the country in decriminalizing the sale and use of cannabis. Other states are considering the issue… Now, a new initiative that will allow local governments to oversee and regulate cultivation, distribution, and sales – and to determine how and how much cannabis can be bought and sold within area limits – will be on the November 2010 ballot. National advocates say that regardless of the vote – signature gathering went fast and easy, according to reports – a major corner has been turned in national acceptance of marijuana use. (CSMonitor)

The real question is, why should a harmless plant that anyone can grow at home elicit such controversy. Why does the government care? Why criminalize it in the first place, and then keep it under control by regulating it after determining that people are going to use it anyway? The answer might lie here: READ MORE…

Mind Control – America’s Secret War

By the History Channel

U.S. intelligence agencies spent millions on top-secret mind control projects with a goal of creating totally dependable, programmable human robots. The projects involved brutal, often terminal experiments on thousands of unwitting citizens in direct defiance of law, all ethical codes, and the most basic human rights. We talk to author John Marks, who broke the story of the CIA’s experiments known as MK-ULTRA and a woman whose past was erased by a brainwashing experiment.

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