Official 9/11 Fairy Tale

Barb’s note: This was originally sent to me via e-mail by Eric. It was tracked down to a comment by Blair on Telegraph Article “Charlie Sheen urges Barack Obama to reopen 9/11 investigation in video message,” with the ending paragraph added by LiveLeak.

The Official Version of 9/11 goes something like this…

Directed by a beardy-guy from a cave in Afghanistan, nineteen hard-drinking, coke-snorting, devout Muslims enjoy lap dances before their mission to meet Allah…

Using nothing more than craft knifes, they overpower cabin crew, passengers and pilots on four planes…  Continue reading

The Revolution Business

Global Research TV

Glenn Beck’s True Colors

This is for those who think that Glenn Beck is truly a beacon of light.

Wake up! You are being used.

A little history lesson.

Transcript here:

Note: Due to the amount of hate mail received in response to this posting, comments have been shut down. If you want to comment and say that this site is a “far left hate monger,” or that we will end up in hell for exposing Glenn Beck for the charlatan he is, do it on your own dime, not mine.


Excuse me for getting older and not wanting to put up with people telling me what a degenerate I am on my own site, but understand that my site is like  my home. I do not have to put up with rude people yelling at me and saying  that I will burn in hell.  Not happening.  It is my home. I make the rules. So I shut down the comments, like I shut my door.Barb

The Southern Poverty Law Center: State sponsored domestic terrorism

Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


” In my opinion, SPLC represents state sponsored domestic terrorism.  Hopefully this organization will self implode, possibly crushed by the weight of its own self induced paranoia or the result of finding itself on one of its own lists.”


One of the most reviled organizations to come to the forefront in recent years is the Southern Poverty Law (Lie) Center.  Whatever this organization was originally intended to be, it has since morphed into a generator of fabricated “facts” which seldom bear any resemblance to the truth.  But the pay is really good and right now they are on the short list of White House and Homeland Security “favs”.

The reviving of McCarthyism via the SPLC, is unnerving to many of us of a certain age.  We remember the red-baiting, the commie scares, the malicious maligning of individuals that resulted during the reign of McCarthy.  At that time every one was afraid to speak about anything for fear of reprisal from the McCarthy-ites; a reprisal that could see you jailed, personally ruined, out of work; The effects would last long after McCarthy was dethroned as the #1 Commie hunter in the government. Many people never recovered socially, professionally or emotionally from being targeted and hunted by McCarthy and his henchmen. And Potok like McCarthy had nothing to evidence his accusations other than his own self induced paranoia. Potok seems to want to emulate McCarthy. Continue reading

Understanding Controlled Opposition and Social Counterbalances

By Russ Tanner

Source: Orbis Vitae

Having worked in the political arena for a few years, we learned the tactics and methods used to control and deceive people. In fact, I learned so much that I could write a short book on the subject, but I’ll keep it short.

Before I begin, I want to insert a disclaimer. I am not picking on conservatives in this article. I would be best categorized as one myself. The goal of this article is to expose some mainstream figureheads who are not who you think they are. The education and information applies equally to conservatives, moderates, liberals, libertarians, and constitutionalists.

All of us, regardless of our political preferences, are being lied to.  Continue reading